Please read through these guidelines thoroughly & commit to following them to keep us all safe!

  1. Amplify Black and Brown Voices

    • If you are white, do not attempt to lead chants or march routes unless invited.

  2. Stick together

    • Keep the group tight! Wherever possible, follow traffic laws and cross the street in one, continuous formation.

  3. Stay vigilant

    • Keep your head on a swivel! Watch for aggressive bystanders, speeding cars, police involvement, and anything that can put marchers in danger.

  4. Don’t antagonize police or aggressive bystanders

    • This puts your fellow protesters, particularly BIPOC, in harm’s way.

  5. Don’t take photos or videos of people who are unmasked

    • If you do take photos, be sure to blur out faces and identifying tattoos/marks.

  6. DO record the cops and instigators

    • Document any police involvement and/or misconduct, as well as aggressive behavior by aggressive bystanders.

  7. If you are a white person, be ready to put yourself between Black and Brown bodies and the police/aggressive white people

    • Weaponize your privilege and use your body to protect BIPOC marchers. White people should form a boundary around Black and Brown marchers.

  8. Always follow the leadership/designated marshals of the march

    • Do not attempt to reroute, direct, or otherwise interfere with the directions of march leadership.

  9. Practice the buddy system

    • Never leave from a march route alone and always check in with a friend when arriving home.

  10. Take care of yourself

    • Stay hydrated, nourished, and remember to breathe. If you begin to feel ill, let someone know.

  11. Hold the intention of the march at all times

    • Marches are high energy direct actions, but remember there are very somber motivations for these actions. These issues and incidents are particularly heavy for Black and Brown comrades. Hold space for them and remember why you are marching!